Tytuł: Windows Systems - Password secrets revealed! Everything you want to know but are afraid to ask (or had no time to check it)
Opis sesji:
Tytuł: Password secrets revealed! Everything you want to know but are afraid to ask (or had no time to check it)
Prelegent: Paula Januszkiewicz
Sesja Live Meeting odbyła się 19 czerwca 2010, czas trwania: 94 minuty.
Opis sesji:
How old will be your grandchildren when you finally break your 12 character password with mid-complexity? What are the encryption methods? Where passwords are stored and how to decrypt or catch them? Everybody uses passwords, hardly anyone knows how exactly they work. Have you ever wondered what content do you share in the network? Have you ever wondered what could happen if somebody intercepted all your network transfers? In this intensive 75 min session Paula will guide through the encryption and decryption techniques being used nowadays in systems, networks and applications. You will also gain knowledge about how to secure ourselves from being fully decrypted. Be smart, be the aware administrator, know the true.
Prelegent: Januszkiewicz Paula
- Intro 0:02:39 hd
- Life without passwords... 0:04:04 hd
- Long Password... Cracked (DEMO) 0:02:20 hd
- Cryptographic basics 0:03:20 hd
- Crack basics: Linux oraz Windows 0:07:10 hd
- How to decrypt passwords, where is the storage? 0:15:33 hd
- Passwords in the Internet: 0:10:27 hd
- Enforcing password policies - Linux oraz Windows 0:05:20 hd
- Account Management: Services passwords, Intercept communication OS, Man in the middle attack, Managed Service Account (DEMO) 0:16:48 hd
- Password - Lanman hash and NTLM ( 0:05:37 hd
- Summary 0:03:24 hd