Tytuł: Make Reporting Services Work For You - IT PRO EN Track - VirtualStudy Conference 2010
Opis sesji:
Tytuł: Make Reporting Services Work For You
Prelegent: Jessica Moss
Sesja Live Meeting odbyła się 19 czerwca 2010, czas trwania: 68 minut.
Opis sesji:
Are you frustrated with building reports in SQL Server Reporting Services? Tired of telling your users that you can't give them the perfect report due to limitations in the product? If so, this session will calm your nerves and make you a guru by showing how to utilize custom code and expressions to shine up your new or existing reports. Specifically, we will show how to create dynamic data groups, use paging techniques, add color and formatting, and more. This session is best suited for people with some knowledge of SSRS.
Prelegent: Moss Jessica