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Tytuł: Secure Endpoint: DirectAccess and Microsoft Forefront Unified Access Gateway 2010, the Complete Remote Access Solution - Security EN Track - VirtualStudy Conference 2010

Jakość: Normalna


Opis sesji:

Tytuł: Secure Endpoint: DirectAccess and Microsoft Forefront Unified Access Gateway 2010, the Complete Remote Access Solution - EN

Prelegent: Thomas Shinder

Sesja Live Meeting odbyła się 19 czerwca 2010, czas trwania: 71 minut

Opis sesji:

Spend an hour learning about Microsoft’s complete remote access vision and how UAG and Direct Access Technology together provide seamless remote access to users while reducing IT risks and costs. This session includes a live demonstration of the features and the remote access solution in action!

Prelegent: Shinder Thomas

Patronat merytoryczny:


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